Thursday, December 02, 2004

Funny Moments

This blog starts in December, but many things happened before December. Here are the highlights. Sorry I couldn't provide too much detail, but it's been quite a while (considering I barely remember what I did this morning).


Env. Sci. – Build a Bridge

This was the beginning of year and Mr. Olivas wanted to build a bridge as a solution to everything. To pass the arroyo? Build a bridge, of course. To get to the tower? Use the bridge. To stop erosion? A bridge will do. How about to climb up the hill? A rope ladder…


Tiny – We Ate the Light

Don’t ask me how this started, I just remember that it happened during Psychology. Tiny stated that in the US he and his brother, they ate the light. That must’ve been quite a feast… can’t you just see Tiny taking a big bite at the dusty old traffic light? Mmmmm…

Tiny – take a study hall, Calabria!

This was quite an amusing one… Calabria was telling us his motives behind taking AP Chem this year, despite not taking Chem last year. His reason was that he had an extra period, and he wanted to take a science because he only had taken something like two in his years at CIC (or he just wanted to take a science, I don’t remember exactly) and in comes Tiny and shouts “Take study hall, Calabria!”… such a Tiny moment…


Tiny – psychology – who is the BF Skinner?

We had to make these questions for Psychology (yes, Irene, for jeopardy) and one of them was “Who is the BF Skinner?” by Tiny.


Rodrigo – Will Smith Australian

The guys were discussing famous Australians (and somehow ACDC didn’t come up…) and well, they came up with a couple that Rodrigo didn’t know were Australian (like Nicole Kidman) so then he blurts out: “You know who’s Australian? Will Smith!”. And you know who Brazilian is? Rodrigo, undoubtedly.

Rodrigo – Calabria, do u have a G-Spot?

And this is one of the best ones around. Rodrigo asking Calabria if he has a G-Spot... who in their right mind does that? Calabria got pissed off and said no, so we bothered him with it for a while... well, we still do. If you see him, ask him where his G-Spot is...


Irene – well.. an interview is when u.. Guerra: Ok, that’s enough

Ms. Guerra asked Irene what an interview was during Psychology. Irene starts “uhm, well, an interview is when you have questions that…” and Guerra cuts her off with “Ok, that’s enough.” So rude, right!? Funny, nonetheless…


Waters – do u have cupcakes for breakfast?

This was one of the most hilarious events in our senior year thus far. We’re in our English classroom (ex Health) and Mr. Waters walks in… the first thing he says? “Hey guys, do you have cupcakes for breakfast?”. LOL! It’s not so much what he said (well, yes it is) but the way he said it… all silent and honest… excellent!


Rodrigo – breaking meter-stick on Calabria’s ass

And we’re on our break from Psychology and out comes the Brazilian with a metre stick. Calabria is drinking water off the fountain and he just smacks the hell out of Calabria’s ass with the metre stick. The result? A broken metre stick… good job! I have no clue where he hid it, but we never saw it again. At least he’s good at hiding things.


Tiny – there are a lot of hot moms at school

I think that’s pretty much self explanatory. Tiny thinks that there are a lot of hot moms at school and he’s not ashamed of expressing his opinion, even if it is in the middle of the school day.

Volo to 5th graders – how u doin’?

And this is something Rodrigo came up with because of Volo’s habit of hitting on the younger people. The next step is 5th graders. I don’t even want to think what comes next…


Rodrigo – “It’s like sex… u don’t think about it.. u just… GO!”

Or at least it’s that way in Brazil


Carlos and Rodrigo – skipping through halls

And EnvSci is over… I see Rodrigo, Tiny and Carlos skipping right around the corner so I decide to join them (this is not just skipping… this is skipping with a gay purpose) and who do we find at the corner? Mr. Walker, yeees!!! Great impression that made… we just went about it as if nothing had happened though… chances are that he didn’t see it. lol


Carlos – fingering James’ binder and Ms. White walking by

Carlos has a fetish for my three-ring binder. I didn’t witness this myself as I was in the computer room, but what Rodrigo says was that Carlos started to finger my binder, slowly at first and then picking it up a notch. Then he closes his eyes and really gets into it and when he opens it… WOW! White is watching! He was ashamed of that, all right… we wonder if Ms. White got turned on by that… we didn’t ask, of course. Oh, study hall…


Carlos – throwing “The Last Alcoholic in America” on Calabria’s and Daniel’s chess game

So Calabria and Daniel are peacefully playing chess in the library during study hall and there’s this book that is called “The Last A… in America” (not Alcoholic, but something that starts with “A”, I don’t remember, but the guys read it as Alcoholic). Carlos all of a sudden throws it at the chess board and knocks the pieces down. No apparent reason, but loads of fun.


Daniel – playing two chords on quatro after leaving advisory

Daniel is fooling about with a quarto during advisory and Mr. Rasmuson has had enough of it. He kicks Daniel out of the room and Daniel stands up and starts walking out. Right when he’s under the bridge of the door, he plays two quick chords on the quatro. We all laughed for quite a while… I don’t know what was so funny, but I’m telling you, it was hilarious.


Maurizio Masturbating

During advisory, Maurizio was caught pleasuring the chair and himself with a metre stick. He stuck the stick into one of the holes on the base of the chair and started thrusting it up and down passinately. ICK! And you thought Rodrigo was weird...

What do you give a kid to go potty training?

That was the question in Psychology. You'd expect an answer such as food and/or water, but this being our class you can be sure that wasn't the answer. Daniel yelled at the top of his lungs "Turbo Lax!". Yees, cuz that's what you give a kid, right? A laxante so he can let it all out at the potty... poor kids of Daniel. I wonder how he'll teach them to dance... I hope for the kids sake that he doesn't have a gun...