It's Almost Christmas
Plenty of action today, specially during, yeah, Psychology. It all started out by reading the book, but when we finished all the fun began. The guys and myself went ouside to "get a drink" and well, Rodrigo had a couple of urges, but then he said that he would do something that he had never done before. He looked right, then left. Then he started. He started stripping for us! First he started by taking his shirt off, and as soon as he had completely taken it off and was holding it in his hand, I ran towards him and snapped the shirt away. I ran across the hall and into the upper parking lot, Rodrigo rushing behind me... shirtless! After a while I decided to give it back to him, he could've gotten in trouble for that. But can't you just see him? Running about the halls with his bare torso? It's hilarious... sorry girls, I don't have a picture to post.
After Calabria and Rodrigo decided they wanted to lift me up in some sort of hand-seat (it's not as bad as it sounds, okay?). And well, when they did Tiny was right there, and what's more spontaneous than me climbing on Tiny's back? Me climbing on Tiny's neck... yeah, I felt like I was 6 again. I almost got hit with the ceiling, but it was cool. We then went to Ms. Ostermiller (I'm still clinched on Tiny's neck) and I tried to give her a hug, only to almost fall on her!
Up next was Rodrigo. He climbed on Tiny's back (he's not as skinny as I am, so he coudn't clinch himself around Tiny's neck). Tiny was just carrying him around, but then Rodrigo had flashback of when he used to ride horses (well, maybe they weren't flashbacks... there are no horses in Brazil) and he told Tiny to speed up. When his command wasn't taken into consideration, Rodrigo started spanking Tiny's butt. I'm not kidding, he did. And I don't mean once, but more like eleven times. You could tell Rodrigo was having a blast... ick!
Well, after those "experiences" we had a little chat with Ms. Guerra. We talked about everything (everything that you wouldn't talk about with a teacher). And well, Tiny says that he'll be bothering her over the holidays via Messenger, and Guerra replies that she will block him. Tiny says that he'll get in contact with her via her friends and Guerra gives a shocking (yet not unexpected) answer: "I've got no friends." It was hilarious! We just laughed, moderately on the outside but wetting ourselves in the inside. Come to think of it, it's not really much of a surprise... She then tell Tiny that he's not very nice, and the reply that she got from Tiny was a very sincere "you're not very nice either." Although it's not funny when you read it, the guys who were present will know why it was so funny. It's all about how you say things.
After school, after we had undergone more than an hour with Mr. Pepe (pronounced "Pepi"), we went back to Mr. Olivas' room. There we saw all the pictures that had been taken today, and we found a test picture that had been taken before going out on the field. Apparently Carlos was testing out the camera and randomly just took a picture of Rodrigo. I have to tell you, he looked just like Garfield! His eyes were identical! We just laughed and laughed and laughed... Then Olivas looked up for a picture of Garfield in the internet and compared both. He looks just like Garfield! I can't wait to get hold of that picture and Photoshop it... if I get hold of it I will post it on here so you can all make fun of Rodfield. Oh, and Mr. Pepe (remember, "Pepi") looks like Geppetto.
After Calabria and Rodrigo decided they wanted to lift me up in some sort of hand-seat (it's not as bad as it sounds, okay?). And well, when they did Tiny was right there, and what's more spontaneous than me climbing on Tiny's back? Me climbing on Tiny's neck... yeah, I felt like I was 6 again. I almost got hit with the ceiling, but it was cool. We then went to Ms. Ostermiller (I'm still clinched on Tiny's neck) and I tried to give her a hug, only to almost fall on her!
Up next was Rodrigo. He climbed on Tiny's back (he's not as skinny as I am, so he coudn't clinch himself around Tiny's neck). Tiny was just carrying him around, but then Rodrigo had flashback of when he used to ride horses (well, maybe they weren't flashbacks... there are no horses in Brazil) and he told Tiny to speed up. When his command wasn't taken into consideration, Rodrigo started spanking Tiny's butt. I'm not kidding, he did. And I don't mean once, but more like eleven times. You could tell Rodrigo was having a blast... ick!
Well, after those "experiences" we had a little chat with Ms. Guerra. We talked about everything (everything that you wouldn't talk about with a teacher). And well, Tiny says that he'll be bothering her over the holidays via Messenger, and Guerra replies that she will block him. Tiny says that he'll get in contact with her via her friends and Guerra gives a shocking (yet not unexpected) answer: "I've got no friends." It was hilarious! We just laughed, moderately on the outside but wetting ourselves in the inside. Come to think of it, it's not really much of a surprise... She then tell Tiny that he's not very nice, and the reply that she got from Tiny was a very sincere "you're not very nice either." Although it's not funny when you read it, the guys who were present will know why it was so funny. It's all about how you say things.
After school, after we had undergone more than an hour with Mr. Pepe (pronounced "Pepi"), we went back to Mr. Olivas' room. There we saw all the pictures that had been taken today, and we found a test picture that had been taken before going out on the field. Apparently Carlos was testing out the camera and randomly just took a picture of Rodrigo. I have to tell you, he looked just like Garfield! His eyes were identical! We just laughed and laughed and laughed... Then Olivas looked up for a picture of Garfield in the internet and compared both. He looks just like Garfield! I can't wait to get hold of that picture and Photoshop it... if I get hold of it I will post it on here so you can all make fun of Rodfield. Oh, and Mr. Pepe (remember, "Pepi") looks like Geppetto.
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