Thursday, January 27, 2005

Your Hot Cousin

Well, I can't complain about today. Although only one thing took place, it was very funny and it happened to be the first period. All the guys were obsessing about Tiny's hot cousin (who the whole school seem to know) and telling Tiny how hot she is. Tiny said she was pretty and they all retorted by saying she was not pretty, she was hot. Anyway, Martim tells Tiny that in some cultures people marry their cousins. If you happened to live in the mountains or in Alabama that would be an accepted practice. But beware, the children you concieve might be mentally challenged (retarded). Then Nolin kicks in: "what's the difference!?" he yells. And we all crack up at his direct-indirect comment. Not that we didn't know, but because Nolin hadn't really told Tiny that before.. he might start to believe it now (it's about time he figured it out anyway).

Old Fun

I thought I'd continue with Mme Sedek for this Old Fun moment. Now we move on from threats and we shall remember some happy times. There was that time during the World Cup 2002, that opening day, when crappy Senegal beat France 1-0. We were watching parts of that game in class and I remember we watched the final minutes of the game in Mr. Ferrell's computer class. The next class we had that day was French, and we came in celebrating that the French had lost and that they had done so to an unknown team. We wrote things on the blackboard (which is actually green, I don't know why it's called a blackboard), we sang, we played around... that was a happy day, no doubt. Might've been the best French class actually, only behind that time when she didn't show up at all.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Big Cars

Today was supposed to be a great day, but since Psychology has now been swapped with Economics we didn't get much action. Pretty dull day, really. However, there was one thing that happened.

During Economics class Mr. Rugg was looking for an example to show us how people care more about their things than other (as if we didn't know that already) and he says, "well, suppose I give you a car, but not to each one, one car for all" and Daniel interrupts by saying, "that has to be a big car, a van so that we can all fit" and then Rodrigo says the only funny thing he's said this week: "he's gonna give us the Scooby Doo van!" and we all start laughing. By all I mean the students, because Rugg just stared at Rodrigo in amazement (he spent a long time in Brazil, he shouldn't have been so surprised) for a while and then said calmly, "no, you're not getting the Scooby Doo van..." Can you imagine us riding in that van? Trying to solve crimes and all? That would be a massive disaster, I'd rather not think of that.

Old Fun

So let's remember weird teachers, shall we? Nobody can beat our beloved French teacher, Mme Sedek. Everytime we did something that she didn't approve of she would yell "diez puntos menos!" Eddie even made her a yellow card so she could book us instead of yelling all the time. The thing was, that she never took points off the tests, because if that were the case at least half the class would've flunked the class. I know I would've...

When she noticed she couldn't make us fear her by taking away virtual 10 points every ten minutes, she had to take more drastic measures, such as threatening to send us the Mr. Newton's office and other stuff. The most famous of these was taking points off the AP test. You can just see her calling up a French mate over at the College Board and saying "eh? College Board? Quietenle diez puntos a..." yeah, that's what I meant...

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Nothing happened today. Nothing, literally. Since nothing happened (literally) I can't write about much, and I can't really write about nothing because this isn't Seinfeld (and although they say it's a show about nothing, it's really about something. You simply can't have a show about nothing... you can have a show about something that portrays nothing, which is what Seinfeld does, but that's not nothing). So there you go, I can't write about nothing so there's no entry for today, even though this explanation has taken quite a big paragraph.

Old Fun

Well, since there is no entry for today, I'm gonna put what you've all been waiting for on the Old Fun section. That's right, you guessed it (probably not), the CIC Top 5 most embarassing (or stupid) anecdotes.

CIC Top 5 Moments

1.) 10:30 -James
Okay, so you all know this one, and I don't know what's so funny about it but people tend to laugh for hours when they remember this, so therefore it's the first one on the list (and also because Tiny said it should be... not that I'm starting to listen to Tiny, because he's almost invisible to us, but I guess it does deserve the first place spot). This anecdote takes place in Maracaibo during the softball exchange tournament last year (2003) with Mr. Briggs. Well, my host and I go out to a club with Eddie and his host and some other people. What I remember is being stuck on the back seat with like five other people, and since I was the lightest I got to go (lying face up) on people's laps... isn't that great? From that you can just sense how messed up this story is. Well, we park and we get off to enter the club. We start walking towards the place (we didn't park in the parking of the club, rather on a parking thing that was about two blocks away) and all of a sudden I hear this woman asking for the time, so I glance at my watch and tell her it's 10:30. Eddie turns around and realizes what's going on, and then he decides to fill me in: that woman said "hola" not "hora." And why would somebody you don't know say hello? Well, because she was a bleeding hooker! And that's not the worst part (maybe it is), but she kept on following me for some time while we walked towards the club. Yeah, that was my first contact with the outside world, giving a "friendly girl" the time. Next morning when I arrived to the school to warm up for the game, all the CIC players greeted me with a "hey, 10:30!!!" and if that wasn't enough to take in, so did the Maracaibo players! Seems like somebody's got a big mouth (yeah, Ed, that's you). I wonder if Briggs found out about this... my health teacher would've definately been proud of me...

2.) "Think Pervertedly" -Tiny
This happened a long time ago, I reckon it was 8th grade but I'm not sure, it was sometime around then. If you've read this blog before, you will have noticed that Tiny isn't exactly the brightest person in Venezuela (or in the continent for that matter). Well, this day he comes to us in the morning and tells us that he had a dream with Andrea (I won't tell you what kind of dream). That's pretty normal, nothing wrong with that, letting the guys know about his fantasy adventures... but then he manages to cock it all up. Tiny walks up to Andrea and says "hey, I had a dream about you...", "yeah? really? what about?" comes the innocent answer. And then it happened, "think pervertedly" says Tiny and there was no turning back. I would really like to know what crossed Andrea's mind at that moment... lol. Then Tiny, trying to save whatever pride he had left (lol) said that he was joking, but he had really screwed this one up. I must admit, it's a very brave thing to do, walk up to a girl and tell her you've been fantasizing about her... but in my book that's more dumb than brave. Go Tiny!

3.) "What do you think about our school logo?" -Tiny
The soon-to-be principal came to visit our school, just to take a look around his soon-to-be premises and you know, to get to know the students. So we're in the comedor and he's rambling on about how great it'll be when he takes charge of middle school and high school (it wasn't that great) and well, he finally decides to stop and question times starts. Many people ask questions, but soon after there aren't much people interested. And you know the way things work, you waste time so you don't have to go back to class. And how exactly do you do this? Asking more questions. Tiny was willing to take one for the school, and seeing that nobody had raised their hands to ask a question and that soon Mr. Anderson would dismiss the school back to class, Tiny put his hand up. He was called on, and he started to panic as he didn't know what to ask. He had a couple of seconds to think of something to ask, and then suddenly a great idea arose: "what do you think about our school logo?" was the question... You should've seen the shock on Mr. Newton's face! Everybody started laughing under their breath because, honestly, who wouldn't? Newton answered by saying something along the lines of "it's very representative of the school" but that was the moment when Tiny became the first student to go on the principal's black list. And he made it a couple of months before he even took charge! A round of applause for Tiny! Can't you just see Newton leaning over and asking him "What's your name, son?" and then writing it under the "must watch- mildly retarded" section? Tiny afterwards claimed that he had asked the question to waste time, but even so, who the hell asks the principal what he thinks of a school logo? Nobody in their right minds...

4.) "How much does it cost?" -Tiny
So we're with the Bentley College representative in the library video room listening to how great it would be to go to that college. This is 10th grade, I believe, if not 9th. We find out that one of the features of choosing to study at Bentley is that you get a laptop (which is payed off by your tuition, but that, of course, didn't come up) and we also found out that they had raffles where students could win numerous things. And then, well, it happens: "how much does the raffle cost?" Tiny asks. LOL! I don't remember the rep's answer as I was peeing my pants laughing at the moronity of the question. Yeah, for Tiny it's important to know how much the raffle costs because, you know, if it's too expensive he won't apply to the college. He will not be taken for a dumbass, if you have to pay too much then it's not worth going there, but if it's free then it gives him all the reasons to attend. It's all about the free stuff (that comes out of your tuition).

5.) Synonym-Antonym -Annie
This took place during AP French class with Mme Sedek. Mme handed out a worksheet for us to work on, and it happened to deal with synonyms and antonyms (sounds easy, but try doing it en francais). So we start doing it in class orally, and it all goes fine, most people know their stuff (I didn't as usual) and when we're through about half the sheet, Annie enlightens us all: "oh, I think that the = means synonym and the
means antonym..." you might think that this is common sense to any human being with an IQ higher than 50, but apparently it isn't. So well, to praise her for her discovery, the whole class decided to give Annie a standing ovation that lasted for about a minutes. Mme was having the time of her life (she says she doesn't enjoy torturing her students, but she loves it when one of them is rediculed). Annie earns herself in the Top 5 with this discovery.

Special thanks to Tiny for doing what he does best. Without him this Top 5 would only be a Top 2, so Tiny, you are good for something after all!

Monday, January 24, 2005

Second Semester Starts!

That's right, the second and final semester started today. That means that we're one step closer to graduation and to getting the flipping heck out of here. Although many of us regard this semester in that way, there are other people (who must remain annonymous for unknown reasons) see this as the final obstacle that will prevent them from a diploma. I've got bad news, however. In this new semester we won't have Psychology class, and that means that there will be significantly less funny things to write about. But well, I'll look forward to writing about anything funny that happens during the school day.

Today's first event took place before school started (what a start!). We were recalling the times when we were infants (physically, anyway) and how we used to hug onto our parents' legs and make them walk while carrying us wrapped around their leg. Ah, those were the good days, weren't they? I've got some good news for you: it's still possible! If you've got more or less Ercole's hight (and weight) and you can find Tiny then you can recreate your childhood memories. I know what you're thinking, birdcrap, but we tested it out and everything. Ercole hugged on to Tiny's leg (I know it sounds extremely gay, but you have to remember we were testing out this new service (okay, that sounds even more gay)) and Tiny was able to walk a full metre without any trouble. If you're interested in riding Tiny's leg visit (please realize that this is not a real website, and if you're dumb enough to actually go there I am not responsible for what you could find).

English was a pretty good period today, perhaps this could be our new Psychology? Only time will tell... Anyway, Mr. Michael Waters was telling us about his days in California. He told us that one time he decided to go to a club on Open Mic Day... we all understood "Open Mike Day" (because you know, his name is Michael, the long version for Mike) and we just started laughing. Mr. Waters has his own day in California, that special day when people walk into his open arms with cupcakes... yeah, it's that messed up.

Another anecdote from English class. Here's an update for you people that are interested in the human body: breasts are organs. Yeah, that's right. I'd like to thank Helen for pointing this out. You see how "needy" (to not say another word) guys are nowadays? Breasts are so overrated that they have now been promoted to organs... I wonder what's next.

During Environmental Science, Daniel was telling a story (yet another one) and he was using his hands to over-emphasize his points, and all of a sudden he sticks his finger in his nosetrill. If you needed proof about how big Daniel's nose is then there you've got it. Daniel's nose is so big that he can stick his finger up there without any hassle at all. Daniel's nose is so big that he can fit a hen's egg without any friction. Daniel's nose is so big that he creates high wind speeds when he sneezes. Daniel's nose is so big... ah, enough with the Daniel's nose jokes, I believe you've gotten the point by now.

I can positively (not proudly) say that the first entry on this blog regarding US Government goes to Daniel. We were talking about the things our current president does (Venezuelan president, but I won't write any names because I might be shot--or even worse, put in jail--for using his name. Actually, to be more accurate, we were talking about the things he doesn't do. Calabria tells the class that his dad imports coconut shells and soy beans from Colombia, and that that might be an issue now because of the new diplomatic ties. Daniel kicks in at this point, "no, pa eso no necesitan traerlo de Colombia. Vete a Tucacas y dile a las negritas que te agarren los cocos..." Although it doesn't seem like the funniest thing he's said, it was the way he said it. He pretty much told Calabria to make the negritas slaves and make them find coconut shells in Tucacas... ah, the Venezuelan dream. I tell you, Nolin won't be happy to hear about this....

Old Fun

Since Daniel has been actively involved in this entry of the blog, it's only fair that he gets today's Old Fun moment. If you remember back to 7th grade, you'll remember this very weird math teacher we had, Ms. Stiegelmayer. I don't remember where she was from, but what I do remember (what we all remember) is that she worked in a gas station. How is it possible that we remember that sort of details from a teacher that we barely knew for a year? Well, every class she brought that up. Everything we did in math was related to the days when she used to work in that gas station. That was her home, her hobby: pumping gas into cars. What a way to live... Anyway, one day Daniel has had enough of the gas station stories, so before Stiegelmayer comes into the room, he draws a rough sketch of a gas pump on the board and awaits her arival. Once he does he starts impersonating the teacher, saying "when I worked in a gas station, when I worked in a gas station, when I worked in a gas station..." and so on. What was the outcome of this joke? Stiegelmayer broke down in tears. LOL! Daniel made our math teacher cry! That was the start of many things for Daniel (not doing so good in math one of them)... nowadays I bet he could make any teacher cry. Good job, Danny!

Old Fun II

I just thought I'd add another moment here, as it has to do with the same teacher and class. Before class everyday, Daniel would break one of the chairs in the class (they were those white plastic ones) and throw the pieces out of the window, creating more work for the obreros. That was Danny's favourite activity until he found out he could make the teacher cry.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

January 17-21

I apologize for not having posted this past week, but you have to understand that it was finals week and I had to study (there you go, that one should make you laugh for a while). However, I took some time off my busy schedule and wrote down some things that happened during the week, but I'm not sure what day they happened so I've made an entry for the whole week. I hope you understand and you don't stop reading the blog because of this minor detail (yeah, as if anybody reads it anyway).

During advisory we were fooling around (no surprises there, then), and Carlos started with his routine of hitting guys where it hurts the most (if you're not clever enough to figure that one out then I'll spell it out for you: in the bollocks (and if you're vocabulary isn't as expanded as to know that words then I'll put it even easier for you: in the balls)). Anyway, he starts out hitting people and what not, and then he suddenly lunges for Tiny and smacks him "there", to which Tiny reacts with "ouch! es mi unica bola...!" and the rest of us guys just stare at him with this confused face... so Tiny only has one ball, that explains various things (none of which I can think of off the top of my head, but there must be something). We later bothered him about his uniball, but well, it wasn't much fun as he admitted to it and it's kind of mean to make fun of people's birth defects (or did he lose it doing something...?), so we (fine, I) stopped.

Also during advisory, Mr. Rasmuson noticed that all the girls were missing, and you know Mr. Rasmuson, he always looks for people and brings them to advisory. There'll come a time when he finds one of us just as the bell rings, and I wouldn't bet against him taking us over to his room, put us inside, and then let us go, just out of spite. Anyway, Rasmuson looks around, pauses for two seconds and a half and says "I'm going to go find the girls... come on, let's find them, they're having girls' clubs." That's right, the Girls' Club... that's the club the meets in the bathroom every advisory period and plan out ways of pissing off the CIC staff and more efficient ways to cheat their way into anything they want. Yup, that club.

Okay, I have to admit that everything happened during advisory. This time we were talking about choking methods (I told you we were productive) and then somebody made a suggestion to Maurizio to use his left hand (you know, after so much activity you can have problems with your right hand from overuse, as Maurizio knows). Then we remembered that Maurizio can use both hands with equal ease (yeah, he's an ambidextrous, allegedly)... and now you know what we were thinking... Maurizio using both hands at the same time to maximize the pleasurable experience... just imagine the speeds he can reach (on second thought, don't imagine that).

Old Fun

I guess it's about time to make fun of Calabria for a change, so here's a story that dates all the way back to 7th grade. If you try and remember our times in the 7th grade, you will remember that once upon a time we had a Geography teacher that went by the name of Ms. Steele. It was one of those days, when all you want to do is just tape your teacher's mouth with duct tape and put your head on your table and just sleep. You've all had the urge to do that, I'm sure of it. However, Calabria was bold enough to actually do it (for the exception of taping Steele's mouth, although there would've been no objections if he had tried). Later on in class, Steele stops talking about whatever it was she was talking about (probably about how cold Russia was) and says "well, I hope you can all enjoy this class as much as Miguel (Calabria)" and Calabria wakes up in a huge shock to see that Steele had caught him napping. I bet that's an experience he'll never forget, although now when he reads it he's likely to laugh it off, unlike at the moment.

Friday, January 14, 2005


Well, nothing much happened today, just one thing I can remember, and it happened during Psychology.

We're playing Calabria's Jeopardy game and this question comes up for us guys. I don't remember what the answer to the question was (you know, he gives us the answer we have to come up with the question or term), but the answer was Personality. When Calabria reads it out, we are all familiar with it, although we're not sure exactly what it is (you know, you've got a good idea but you're not sure) so Tiny and I start thinking, seeing if we can come up with the term... and all of a sudden Rodrigo whispers "guys, isn't it learning?". There's silence in the room for about 5 seconds, then Tiny and I crack up and as soon as we tell Calabria he joins in. You can tell that Rodrigo hasn't learned anything in the past semester...

Old Fun

As today's happenings weren't that funny, then I'm gonna write about a Briggs moment. Here's some background information: we're in the softball exchange in Maracaibo (last year) and we've lost the first two games (out of three) and we're losing the third one. HOWEVER, we've got the chance to tie and go on for extra innings or even win it right there, as we've got a runner on second and the heart of the lineup is coming up to bat. Omar is on second.

So here starts the story. There's one out and the ball is hit towards the shortstop, Omar is stuck on second so the throw goes to first. It's a good throw so the runner is out... however, Omar decides to run for third, which isn't a bad idea, it's always good to test their arm, right? Well, that depends, if you're a fast runner then yeah, but if you're Omar then not. So well, the throw is made and you can see Omar running (more like walking in slow motion) and he's taken out on third by a mile. That's the game, we've been swept. Now that's not funny, is it? We've made a fool out of our beloved school CIC. But then we turn to Briggs and we can see his face starting to fill up with anger, and his vein in his neck starts to build up with blood (the famous vein). Then the expected comes. " he... sh... JEEEEEEEEEEEESSUUUUUUUUUSSSS!!!!!!!!!" and Briggs almost shatters the clipboard with his bare hands. The Hulk is coming! And then you know, he loses control of himself (although he won't admit it) and this is nothing new, you've seen this before, but the funny thing is that he tells us that he's not mad, but he's clearly bothered by what has happened. Man, Briggs was SO mad it was scary... we thought that he would get a chair and smash it on Omar's back. And you know Omar, he acted as if he didn't care (well, he probably didn't care) and that made Briggs even madder. Ah, that was fun to watch, scary but good fun.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Well, today was a very varied day. Different things happened in different periods, which is unusual. And, what's even more unusual is that Tiny didn't have anything to do with them! A round of applause for Tiny...

Mr. Nolin told us what he does in his free time. He goes to the beach and meets women, that's nothing new right? Well, this time it is. Mr. Nolin met a bisexual woman! She was more lesbian than straight (how could he know? did she tell him that she was 60% lesbian and 40% straight!?). Anyway, if you want to know about this ask him, I won't write the whole story because I'm not his biographer. Anyway, these girls Nolin met called him up on a Thursday and told him that they were coming over to visit him (they live in Merida), and he went to the bus terminal to pick them up and lent them his house... do you thing something's wrong with the picture? Well, he tells us that he's lying on his hammock, and when he stands up to get changed he sees one girl washing the dishes and the other one folding the clothing, and he goes "alright!". So well, Nolin has girls in his house the cook, clean, wash... how did he get so lucky? They're probably after his Green Card. The only problem is that he's Canadian, but I bet he hasn't told them yet. As soon as they find out that he's Canadian they'll leave in a hearbeat.

During math class, we went to the library computer room to type the solution to rescuing this bald eagle (not that any of us cared, but well, homework is homework). The other part of the class of 05 was there (study hall) and we engaged in a discussion on movies, I think. Somehow James Bond came up, and how all the girls were hot (oh, how I remember, Arturo said that there was this really hot girl that went to uni at Oxford... probably the money). All of a sudden, Miguel Velazquez yells out "Who's not hot on Bond movies!?" and we're all amazed at how swiftly he came out of the closet. If you needed any further proof, there you go. There's no way back from there, Velazquez, that's something you're gonna have to live with the rest of your life (and with the Bond movies).

Now comes Psychology. I was in Mr. Ferrell's ex-room with Ms. Guerra and Helen, and the guys were in the computer room next door. They had pulled their trousers way up to their ribs and were walking around like that ("camel toe!"). They're having the time of their lives (don't ask why) and they yell out for Ms. Guerra to see them make fools of themselves. She turns and stares for a couple of seconds, then turns back and says in a low but audible voice, "they're so retarded..." and Helen and I just crack up laughing. Not that we didn't know that before, but it was unexpected from Ms. Guerra to say that. For once she got something right...

Old Fun

This doesn't have anything to do with the senior class but I'll still include it in this section because it's just plain hilarious. I wasn't there to experience it, so I'll you say what I know about the incident. Carlos Chan and his class were with Mr. Leonard. Mr. Leonard calls Carlos "Chan" because, well, that's what everybody calls him, and Carlos reaches a point where he just gets annoyed and tells Leonard "Man, don't call me Chan, Mr. Leonard, I don't call you by your last name!" and well, there was something wrong there... yeah, he told Mr. Zach Leonard that he didn't call him by his last name... interesting, eh?

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Ercole el Negro

Nothing much of occurence today even though we had double period Psychology. Tiny had a couple of boo-boo's in his presentation but nothing much to note.

Ercole received a letter from Xavier University. Yeah, they said that they had received his application... but wait up, he didn't send one! How messed up are these people!? Unless somebody sent in for Ercole without him knowing... but that's a different story, if you're interested in this conspiracy theory go talk to Mr. Liebertz, I'm sure he'll be interested to hear it. Anyway, that's not it, in that same letter they say that they're interested to help people like him, you know, people of color. Now THAT'S hilarious... if Ercole is anything then it's colorless! Now that's a pifia, man. So now you know, don't apply to Xavier University because they might accept somebody that didn't send an application.

I don't want any trouble with Xavier University. If you're going to reject me because of this then please let me know and I'll take it down. Oh, wait up, I'm not applying there... nevermind then!

Old Fun

Continuing from yesterday, I'll keep on showing you the ways of pronounciation. Here are the Calabria masterclasses. When you're going to say a word that starts with the letter "G", you pronounce it as if it were a "Y", therefore creating the right sound of the word (the way it was intended to be, not the disfunctional way that it turned out to be). Here's an example: Hi, I'm Yames, I come from Yermany but I arrived in the US to study at Yioryia tech.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Big Day (I'm running out of witty titles)

Today there wasn't much activity in school really... everyone was falling on their backside due to exhaustion (it is the second day of school, who wouldn't be tired?) and those who weren't were off doing something productive (the poor bastards).

Actually, the only thing I can remember is during lunch, when I said that Tiny hadn't done anything stupid today... Becky tapped him on the shoulder and congratulated him! That's how rare this achievement is, and because of that there's nothing to write about. Tiny, if you're reading this, cut the crap and start being yourself again, the people want to read about the not-so-smart things you do.

Old Fun

As Tiny didn't do anything today let's remember the the days that he did (this should be easy). Well, let's learn some pronounciation, shall we? I know most of you would say "Bohemian Rhapsody" as "Bo-eemian Rapsodie." Well, let me tell you that's wrong. Master Tiny shows you the way: "Bo-emian Rap-shodee." And there you go, speaking masterclasses by the Tiny professor.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Flipping (in a different sense)

Well, today was the first day of school this year. There were quite a few thing that happened which is nice, unlike the last day of school last year.

It all started during Physics. We were reviewing for the upcoming final and Mr. Nolin was asking some people questions. After a few questions the inevitable happened: people (notably Tiny) started answering every question with "critical angle". To give you a brief history on "critical angle", when we were studying critical angles all Annie would say would be "critical angle", every answer happened to be that (and she got most of them right). So we figured "critical angle" was the answer to all our questions and perhaps the meaning of life...

Later on during that period we were discussing buoyance force and other things I don't remember, and boats came up (as they depend on these things to float). Mr. Nolin told us that there were some unsinkable boats out there that had foam at the bottom and that impeded the water from coming in. I know what you're wondering, "do all these unsinkable boats sink like the Titanic?". Well, the answer is no, not all unsinkable ships are as glamourous as the Titanic as they're not as big to split in half. So there you go. Anyway, Tiny told us how he had seen in the History Channel (surprise surprise!) that they now had boats that when they flipped upside down they would restore to their natural position in no more than two hours. When he said that I understood "in no more than two weeks", which I found absolutely absurd. What's the point of a boat flipping over after two weeks? By then all the people aboard will have died! So when this marvellous ship turns over after 13 days you find that there has been a 100% casuality rate because all the people were stuck under the boat and were "drowned to death." That's the best example of Brazilian technolgy; always looking to improve our world.

During Psychology Ms. Guerra was telling us all about her high school life and whatnot (I heard about half of it, during the other half of her speech I was over at Ms. Ostermiller's listening to the Zep). Someone in the class points out that the 300 students Ms. Guerra graduated with is a large amount (considering that there are only 200 students max in our school). Tiny says that in his class when he was studying with the cows was of 500 and then Ms. Guerra tells us that her freshman class had as many students, and she went on to explain why the numbers decrease as time goes on. Here's the explanation she presented: of those 500 students, 200 of them either end up in jail or pregnant (or both.... hmmm). Ah, the American Dream... sleeping around and getting knocked up and then visiting your mates in jail...

Old Fun

I bet everybody remembers Mr. Ahnfeldt (and for those of you who don't then he's the Barney). Well, when he was leaving, he brought a video that he had taped of us during our 7th grade year (or was it 8th grade? doesn't make much of a difference, one of the two). In this video the students stood up and stated their name and what they compared themselves to. Everthing goes well until Maurizio stands up and says in a very kid (gay, if you like) voice: "my name is Maurizio Delli Colli and...". The class just burst out in laughed, and some of us even cried from what we heard. I know it doesn't sound very funny when it's written down, but if you were there then you know why it was so hilarious.