Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Nothing happened today. Nothing, literally. Since nothing happened (literally) I can't write about much, and I can't really write about nothing because this isn't Seinfeld (and although they say it's a show about nothing, it's really about something. You simply can't have a show about nothing... you can have a show about something that portrays nothing, which is what Seinfeld does, but that's not nothing). So there you go, I can't write about nothing so there's no entry for today, even though this explanation has taken quite a big paragraph.

Old Fun

Well, since there is no entry for today, I'm gonna put what you've all been waiting for on the Old Fun section. That's right, you guessed it (probably not), the CIC Top 5 most embarassing (or stupid) anecdotes.

CIC Top 5 Moments

1.) 10:30 -James
Okay, so you all know this one, and I don't know what's so funny about it but people tend to laugh for hours when they remember this, so therefore it's the first one on the list (and also because Tiny said it should be... not that I'm starting to listen to Tiny, because he's almost invisible to us, but I guess it does deserve the first place spot). This anecdote takes place in Maracaibo during the softball exchange tournament last year (2003) with Mr. Briggs. Well, my host and I go out to a club with Eddie and his host and some other people. What I remember is being stuck on the back seat with like five other people, and since I was the lightest I got to go (lying face up) on people's laps... isn't that great? From that you can just sense how messed up this story is. Well, we park and we get off to enter the club. We start walking towards the place (we didn't park in the parking of the club, rather on a parking thing that was about two blocks away) and all of a sudden I hear this woman asking for the time, so I glance at my watch and tell her it's 10:30. Eddie turns around and realizes what's going on, and then he decides to fill me in: that woman said "hola" not "hora." And why would somebody you don't know say hello? Well, because she was a bleeding hooker! And that's not the worst part (maybe it is), but she kept on following me for some time while we walked towards the club. Yeah, that was my first contact with the outside world, giving a "friendly girl" the time. Next morning when I arrived to the school to warm up for the game, all the CIC players greeted me with a "hey, 10:30!!!" and if that wasn't enough to take in, so did the Maracaibo players! Seems like somebody's got a big mouth (yeah, Ed, that's you). I wonder if Briggs found out about this... my health teacher would've definately been proud of me...

2.) "Think Pervertedly" -Tiny
This happened a long time ago, I reckon it was 8th grade but I'm not sure, it was sometime around then. If you've read this blog before, you will have noticed that Tiny isn't exactly the brightest person in Venezuela (or in the continent for that matter). Well, this day he comes to us in the morning and tells us that he had a dream with Andrea (I won't tell you what kind of dream). That's pretty normal, nothing wrong with that, letting the guys know about his fantasy adventures... but then he manages to cock it all up. Tiny walks up to Andrea and says "hey, I had a dream about you...", "yeah? really? what about?" comes the innocent answer. And then it happened, "think pervertedly" says Tiny and there was no turning back. I would really like to know what crossed Andrea's mind at that moment... lol. Then Tiny, trying to save whatever pride he had left (lol) said that he was joking, but he had really screwed this one up. I must admit, it's a very brave thing to do, walk up to a girl and tell her you've been fantasizing about her... but in my book that's more dumb than brave. Go Tiny!

3.) "What do you think about our school logo?" -Tiny
The soon-to-be principal came to visit our school, just to take a look around his soon-to-be premises and you know, to get to know the students. So we're in the comedor and he's rambling on about how great it'll be when he takes charge of middle school and high school (it wasn't that great) and well, he finally decides to stop and question times starts. Many people ask questions, but soon after there aren't much people interested. And you know the way things work, you waste time so you don't have to go back to class. And how exactly do you do this? Asking more questions. Tiny was willing to take one for the school, and seeing that nobody had raised their hands to ask a question and that soon Mr. Anderson would dismiss the school back to class, Tiny put his hand up. He was called on, and he started to panic as he didn't know what to ask. He had a couple of seconds to think of something to ask, and then suddenly a great idea arose: "what do you think about our school logo?" was the question... You should've seen the shock on Mr. Newton's face! Everybody started laughing under their breath because, honestly, who wouldn't? Newton answered by saying something along the lines of "it's very representative of the school" but that was the moment when Tiny became the first student to go on the principal's black list. And he made it a couple of months before he even took charge! A round of applause for Tiny! Can't you just see Newton leaning over and asking him "What's your name, son?" and then writing it under the "must watch- mildly retarded" section? Tiny afterwards claimed that he had asked the question to waste time, but even so, who the hell asks the principal what he thinks of a school logo? Nobody in their right minds...

4.) "How much does it cost?" -Tiny
So we're with the Bentley College representative in the library video room listening to how great it would be to go to that college. This is 10th grade, I believe, if not 9th. We find out that one of the features of choosing to study at Bentley is that you get a laptop (which is payed off by your tuition, but that, of course, didn't come up) and we also found out that they had raffles where students could win numerous things. And then, well, it happens: "how much does the raffle cost?" Tiny asks. LOL! I don't remember the rep's answer as I was peeing my pants laughing at the moronity of the question. Yeah, for Tiny it's important to know how much the raffle costs because, you know, if it's too expensive he won't apply to the college. He will not be taken for a dumbass, if you have to pay too much then it's not worth going there, but if it's free then it gives him all the reasons to attend. It's all about the free stuff (that comes out of your tuition).

5.) Synonym-Antonym -Annie
This took place during AP French class with Mme Sedek. Mme handed out a worksheet for us to work on, and it happened to deal with synonyms and antonyms (sounds easy, but try doing it en francais). So we start doing it in class orally, and it all goes fine, most people know their stuff (I didn't as usual) and when we're through about half the sheet, Annie enlightens us all: "oh, I think that the = means synonym and the
means antonym..." you might think that this is common sense to any human being with an IQ higher than 50, but apparently it isn't. So well, to praise her for her discovery, the whole class decided to give Annie a standing ovation that lasted for about a minutes. Mme was having the time of her life (she says she doesn't enjoy torturing her students, but she loves it when one of them is rediculed). Annie earns herself in the Top 5 with this discovery.

Special thanks to Tiny for doing what he does best. Without him this Top 5 would only be a Top 2, so Tiny, you are good for something after all!