Monday, January 10, 2005

Flipping (in a different sense)

Well, today was the first day of school this year. There were quite a few thing that happened which is nice, unlike the last day of school last year.

It all started during Physics. We were reviewing for the upcoming final and Mr. Nolin was asking some people questions. After a few questions the inevitable happened: people (notably Tiny) started answering every question with "critical angle". To give you a brief history on "critical angle", when we were studying critical angles all Annie would say would be "critical angle", every answer happened to be that (and she got most of them right). So we figured "critical angle" was the answer to all our questions and perhaps the meaning of life...

Later on during that period we were discussing buoyance force and other things I don't remember, and boats came up (as they depend on these things to float). Mr. Nolin told us that there were some unsinkable boats out there that had foam at the bottom and that impeded the water from coming in. I know what you're wondering, "do all these unsinkable boats sink like the Titanic?". Well, the answer is no, not all unsinkable ships are as glamourous as the Titanic as they're not as big to split in half. So there you go. Anyway, Tiny told us how he had seen in the History Channel (surprise surprise!) that they now had boats that when they flipped upside down they would restore to their natural position in no more than two hours. When he said that I understood "in no more than two weeks", which I found absolutely absurd. What's the point of a boat flipping over after two weeks? By then all the people aboard will have died! So when this marvellous ship turns over after 13 days you find that there has been a 100% casuality rate because all the people were stuck under the boat and were "drowned to death." That's the best example of Brazilian technolgy; always looking to improve our world.

During Psychology Ms. Guerra was telling us all about her high school life and whatnot (I heard about half of it, during the other half of her speech I was over at Ms. Ostermiller's listening to the Zep). Someone in the class points out that the 300 students Ms. Guerra graduated with is a large amount (considering that there are only 200 students max in our school). Tiny says that in his class when he was studying with the cows was of 500 and then Ms. Guerra tells us that her freshman class had as many students, and she went on to explain why the numbers decrease as time goes on. Here's the explanation she presented: of those 500 students, 200 of them either end up in jail or pregnant (or both.... hmmm). Ah, the American Dream... sleeping around and getting knocked up and then visiting your mates in jail...

Old Fun

I bet everybody remembers Mr. Ahnfeldt (and for those of you who don't then he's the Barney). Well, when he was leaving, he brought a video that he had taped of us during our 7th grade year (or was it 8th grade? doesn't make much of a difference, one of the two). In this video the students stood up and stated their name and what they compared themselves to. Everthing goes well until Maurizio stands up and says in a very kid (gay, if you like) voice: "my name is Maurizio Delli Colli and...". The class just burst out in laughed, and some of us even cried from what we heard. I know it doesn't sound very funny when it's written down, but if you were there then you know why it was so hilarious.